
Hope in the Cloud?

By Dr. Grant Ballard, Chief Science Officer Being in the midst of a technological revolution isn’t always as exciting as we might hope. In fact, the promise of the revolution can be hard to appreciate given that the outcome seems to be mostly an endless proliferation of distractions (think: receiving custom-designed advertisements, thanks to artificial


Strengthening the Strands, One Snowy Plover Flock at a Time

Monterey State Beach is one of Point Blue’s southernmost Monterey Bay Snowy Plover monitoring locations and it’s part of a swath of key locations that stretches from the Point Reyes National Seashore just north of San Francisco to Vandenberg Air Force Base just north of Santa Barbara.


Bird-A-Thon Team with the Youngest Counters Detect the Most Species

We gathered in the darkness of 5:00am at the Bear Valley Visitor Center. Like last year, we were treated to a wonderful flight of Swainson’s Thrushes migrating and calling in the dark sky above us. We were able to hear a Northern Saw-Whet Owl and several Great Horned Owls right from the parking lot, so those three species marked the beginning of our list!