
Martin Magana

Informatics Engineering Manager

Starting as a intern at Point Blue over 10 years ago, I’ve been with the Ecoinformatics team helping build every aspect of our cloud service including front end user interface design, back end API components, server infrastructure, and more recently having made my way into the world of security while pursuing and achieving FedRAMP certification for our newly migrated cloud service.

I have a mind for logic puzzles and really love tinkering with all things electrical and mechanical. This lead me to programming for computers, which are the ultimate tinkering machines. I have a passion for code and get excited by the prospect of using it to create something useful, practical, and meaningful. I’m also a strong proponent of the open source philosphy.

I’m a native of the California coast, currently residing in the Point Reyes area and working at the Petaluma Headquarters. I love discovering new music, having weekend barbeques, playing soccer with friends, and swimming at my gym. When the weather’s nice, you might find me on my paddle board in Tomales Bay or riding one of the many local trails on my mountain bike.