Zoom into the Field with Point Blue
May 11, 2020
We at Point Blue would like to offer a small gift to our community as we continue to keep our physical distance and stay home as much as possible. If you are reading this, you are most likely a nature lover and missing the ocean, rivers, forest, and maybe even coming out to visit us at our Palomarin Field Station. Below you’ll find a handful of virtual backgrounds, optimally sized that you can use during your video chats on Zoom, Skype, etc. with your friends, family, and colleagues. Just click on a photo below to access the larger resolution image, then right click and save. The logo and text may look reversed to you when you use it, but will look fine to everyone else.
Is there a Point Blue field site that you love and we have not included? Let our Communications Coordinator know at larata@pointblue.org and she’ll add it to this post.
Click on the photo to download and save for your video chat virtual background.