
Science for a Blue Planet

Featuring cutting-edge work, discoveries, and challenges of our scientists, our partners, and the larger conservation science community.

Visual Summary of Our 2024 Annual Meeting

On Wednesday June 26, Point Blue hosted our 2024 Annual Meeting, which was held virtually over Zoom. Our featured presentation was on the launch of our international MSP+ grantmaking program, through which we provide financial support to organizations along the 13-country Pacific Flyway, from Mexico to Chile, all in support of migratory shorebird conservation.

After the meeting, we were thrilled to receive these two visual summaries of the meeting from founding members of our Conservation Art and Science Committee and dedicated nature journalers Gargi Chugh and Akshay Mahajan. We absolutely love how they represented our three presenters (Dianna Eusse, Catherine Hickey, and Matt Reiter); the challenges migrating shorebirds face and the conservation opportunities we’re pursuing; and, of course, the Whimbrel! For those who missed it, our presenters focused on the Whimbrel as a key species that uses the Pacific Flyway and showed how we need to conserve their habitat not just in California, but everywhere they spend time, including throughout Latin America.

Please enjoy these illustrations from Gargi and Akshay and we have so much gratitude to them for capturing the meeting so beautifully and allowing us to share here. If you’d like to see more art from Gargi and Akshay, check them out at Instagram! The colored one was done by Gargi and you can find more at @inkuisitive.being. And the ink one was by Akshay at