Coastal Program Biologist I
As a Coastal Program Biologist for the California Current Group at Point Blue, my efforts are focused on studying and monitoring the Western Snowy Plover with an emphasis on demographics and reproductive success. If I am not with the team at the Lompoc field office, you’ll find me studying and photographing shorebirds on the beaches of Santa Barbara County, primarily at Vandenberg Space Force Base. My work also includes monitoring other shorebirds, seabirds, and coastal dune geomorphology. As an avid birder I use my knowledge of avian status and distribution to interpret geospatial data from sources such as eBird.
I graduated with a B.S. from the University of Oregon with an emphasis in ecology and evolution. My passion for avian wildlife began in high-school AP biology where the culmination of the curriculum was a four-day nature focused field trip to Malheur N.W.R and I have been hooked ever since. My career in ornithology began in Orange County where I banded the endangered California Gnatcatcher and other songbirds. I knew from that moment that I wanted to use my wildlife handling skills to help study and conserve bird populations of the West Coast.
Email: Daniel Farrar