Restoration Technician
As a restoration technician for Point Blue, my work revolves around supporting the various habitat restoration projects in the South Bay. This includes hands-on work like assisting with delivering lessons in the classroom, working with students during our planting days, and conducting field maintenance such as weeding and irrigation. All of this work is fueled by my passion for protecting and uplifting my local natural spaces and underserved communities. I feel very lucky and proud to be a part of Point Blue’s mission to inspire the youth to take climate action, and assist the creation of safe and enriching wildlife habitat.
I was born and raised in the suburbs of Los Angeles, and transferred from my local community college to Cal Poly Humboldt to earn my bachelors in Environmental Studies with an emphasis in Media Production. After graduating, my move to the Bay area was spurred on when I took a year-long fellowship position with the CCAC (California Climate Action Corp) based in a charter school outside of Salinas, CA. While there, my work became focused on presenting climate education to the student body and on redirecting the campus’ food scraps from the landfill to local composting facilities.
In my free time, I enjoy traveling and hiking to nearby state and national parks, cooking family recipes, finding a cozy corner to read, making art, and playing adventure-style video games that satisfy my adventurous spirit.
Email: Evelyn Banuelos