
Sandra Sublette

Nursery/Restoration Technician

I am a Restoration/Nursery Technician with STRAW based at Novato Baylands. I work alongside volunteers, students, and staff to repair seasonal ponds and wetlands in a site that was once an airbase during WWII. With a great team, I lead K-12 students in planting during our restoration season and watering and weeding our sites during maintenance season. I also guide volunteers in seed collection and processing, weeding and other nursery work in our native plant nursery.

In my work I cherish the opportunity to engage with the community to complete meaningful connections to one another while restoring habitat for future generations.

I was born and raised across Southern California, Colorado, Texas and New York and returned to California to attend Pitzer College and study Environmental Analysis. Out of college I worked as a Restoration Intern with California Botanic Garden, in a small business doing native plant landscaping in the East Bay, and on a family-run vineyard in Santa Rosa doing vineyard maintenance and construction. I joined the STRAW program in the fall of 2024 and am happy to be well into the swing of restoration season with students!

In my free time you can find me making soup, salves and songs under this bright sun.