King Tide Crystal Ball

Written by Megan Elrod, Point Blue San Francisco Bay Biologist A King Tide of today could provide a glimpse of the normal daily tides of the future. We can think of them as one of nature’s “crystal balls.” For those unfamiliar with the phenomenon, a “King Tide” is a regular, predictable occurrence where the sun,


Deeply Grateful for You

As many of us educate ourselves on the complicated history of our country and many of the holidays we celebrate, these important days are taking on new meaning. This year, on Thanksgiving, we’re continuing our traditional focus of taking time to express gratitude for the wonders of nature, our outstanding staff, and you, our Point


Young Birders Reach New List Number Heights

Written by Lisa Hug This year has been challenging for all of us on many levels. Covid-19 was forcing us to be creative about how we participate in social events. And, the Bird-a-thon is a social event, and I have always made it a priority to emphasize teamwork on the Young Ancient Murrelets (YAMS) bird-a-thon


Science News: Science to Lift Your Spirits

A Foundational Moment While there have been many challenges this year, 2020 represents a significant milestone for shorebird conservation science at Point Blue. Last month the foundational paper from our internationally collaborative Migratory Shorebird Project was published in Avian Conservation and Ecology. Our new paper validates the methodology and partnership network we have developed over


The Election, Climate Change, and Conservation Science

by Mani Oliva, CEO As we congratulate the incoming administration of President Elect Joe Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris, we recognize that many important challenges will require their immediate and sustained attention. These include a continuing global pandemic, our national health and economic structures, and very serious social and racial justice questions. Underpinning


A Tradition Unlike Any Other, The Ornicyles’ Bird-A-Thon Adventure

Written by Megan Elrod Bird-a-thons, a tradition unlike any other. Wait, I stole that from somewhere…sports! Remember those? Birding is a sport y’all. Birding hard is definitely a sport when you’re on a bike for ten hours whilst birding. Birding and biking are particularly spectacular socially distanced sports, taking solo sweating to the max, entering


Dropped Anchovies and Hawks Soaring on the Wind

Written by Meredith Elliott Our Bird-A-Thon team is Krill It Up and is composed of Point Blue staff, interns, and volunteers that work out of our marine lab at our Point Blue headquarters. This year the team was composed of myself, interns Olivia Boisen and Rebecca Forney, and volunteer Laura Lee Miller.  Originally we planned


Birding by Bicycle from the Breakers to the Bay

One of our top fundraisers of our 42nd Annual Bird-A-Thon, David Wimpfheimer shares his day of birding for conservation below. Thank you, David and all of your sponsors! The stars were brilliant at 5:45 on the morning of October 13. Orion stood out in the southern sky while in the opposite direction an incredibly bright


Building Resilience: A Message from our CEO and Board Chair

Excerpted from our 2019-20 Annual Report This past year has been a year like no other. COVID-19 has reshaped our society and affected all of us. The renewed calls for racial and social justice have caused many to question fundamental pillars of our society. And to see such an early and powerful wildfire season in


The Year At Glance: Building Resilience

Excerpted from our 2019-20 Annual Report 2020 has underscored the importance of resilience. As we continue to collectively tackle a pandemic, racial injustice, and wildfires, Point Blue is keeping our staff as safe as possible while doing our critical work to help nature and communities adapt and thrive in a changing climate. Here are a