Antarctica, An Expedition of a Lifetime!

Point Blue is excited to offer its supporters a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to a place that remains virtually untouched. An entire continent of windswept expanses, snow-shrouded peaks, wildlife in abundance, and ice taking on hues of turquoise and iridescent blue.


Una Mujer con Mucha Fuerza en Buena Compañía /A Powerful Woman in Good Company

I didn’t expect to be moved to tears when I sat down to interview Diana Eusse. Diana is the South American Lead of our Migratory Shorebird Project partnership and Biologist with Asociación Calidris. I met with her in early March 2022 during one of her visits to the United States. Her perspective and approach to collaboration is palpable.


CA Takes Major Conservation Step With Final 30×30 Plan

In October 2020, Governor Newsom made news with a bold executive order to fight climate change and conserve biodiversity. And Point Blue was among the many organizations to applaud Newsom’s efforts and pledge to work with his administration to help turn his commitment into an action plan. After 18 months of intensive collaborative planning, draft


Science News: Major advance in whale protection and much more…

Encouraging News for Whales We’re thrilled to report a major advance in our collaboration to protect whales. For over a decade, reducing deadly collisions between cargo ships and whales has been a priority for the Point Blue Oceans team. In 2017, we published a seminal paper showing that the actual number of whale deaths from


Planning for Change: New Tools to Support Bird Habitat in the Central Valley

How can water managers in California’s Central Valley make sure enough water is allocated to birds as the region faces changing climate patterns while still helping the state reach its ambitious 30×30 conservation goals? New planning tools are here to help.


Point Blue Expands Work in Fire Ecology

We’re pleased to announce Point Blue’s first ever Fire Stewardship Ecologist position which has been filled (and co-created to a large extent) by former Sonoma-Marin Partner Biologist Taj Hittenberger. This is an exciting step for both Taj and Point Blue in the direction of further incorporating fire into our conservation efforts.


Everything is Exquisitely in Balance…Or Could Be

By Dr. Grant Ballard, Chief Science Officer A few weeks ago, the world’s leading body of climate scientists, the IPCC, released another sobering report. It describes ongoing significant changes to our climate and warns of what’s to come if we don’t rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Unlike previous


Celebrate Our 57th Birthday with Native Plants!

Give 10% and get 10% when you purchase CA native plants to celebrate Point Blue Conservation Science’s 57th birthday. March 18th, 1965 is the day that we were incorporated as a non-profit conservation organization and embarked on our journey to conserve birds, wildlife, and ecosystems through science, partnerships, and outreach. Planting native plants and creating


Science News: Iconic Species and Carbon Farming

STRAW to Assist in Carbon Farming in Marin The Marin Resource Conservation District and Point Blue will be making a dent in reducing atmospheric carbon in Marin County thanks to a $1 million grant from the California Coastal Conservancy. The grant will support planting and fencing of riparian areas, restoration of oak woodlands, and other


How Cool is Petaluma?

Have you heard? Petaluma, where Point Blue is headquartered, was one of three cities in California, along with Los Angeles and Irvine, to receive $1million through the Cool City Challenge to address climate change at the neighborhood level. Watch the KPIX 5 news story here and find a Bohemian article here to learn more. Part