
A Farallon Thanksgiving

A common misconception about living on an island is that you undoubtedly eat poorly. No grocery store? Military rations it is! Fortunately, that is not the case here on the Southeast Farallon Islands. Every two weeks we are resupplied with food by a group of volunteers who do a large shop for us, picking up


Spelunking for the Farallon Cave Cricket

In the early 1900’s, Milton Ray, a poet and scientist who visited the Farallones several times, described the Lost World Cave in the following poem:                 More strange the Lost World Cave. Ah me!                 How few have trod its rough dark floor,                 Where chambers weird in endless maze                 Far downward lead, through


First Island Records and other fun birds

Southeast Farallon Island has one of the largest species lists for such a small area at this northerly latitude. With over 40 years of ornithological scrutiny and a list of 418 species, adding a new one to the list has gotten increasingly difficult.  Many of the species that are rare to California have been seen here already.  However there are


First Short-tailed Albatross in 124 years!

On 6 November, 2011, PRBO biologists documented the first Short-tailed Albatross from the Farallon Islands in 124 years. This species used to be the most common albatross seen along California’s shoreline. Historical accounts mention that it was “numerous” in nearshore waters, including around the Farallon Islands. Short-tailed Albatrosses, however, did not breed on the Farallones


Farallonathon – The Final Score

The score: Yesterday’s Total: 139Migrant bird: 5 pointsShark sightings: 2 pointsCetaceans: 1 point 2011 Farallon Grand Total points: 147The final day of Farallonathon was a busy one. It was media day on the Farallones as we were visited by a group of reporters from a variety of local and national media outlets. Between the boat landings and all the


Farallonathon Day 6

The score: Yesterday’s Total: 126Dragonfly: 10 pointsFish: 2 pointsMigrant bird: 1 point Total points: 139 The weather just keeps improving, and our dispositions with it. Day six of the Farallonathon was a reflection on this slight upturn, the addition of some new arrivals added much needed points on the penultimate day. Our only migrant bird


Farallonathon Day 5

The Score:Yesterday’s total: 124Salamander: 1 pointFish: 1 pointTotal Points: 126 PointsWell, the weather got better but only slightly. The fog stuck around but the rain went away. Try as we might we were not able to get a single bird Farallonathon point. As dedicated Farallonathoners we did not give up and instead turned our attention to


Farallonathon Day 4

The Score:Yesterday’s total: 118  Migrant Birds: 1  Shark Attacks: 1 (5 points) Total Points: 124 Points Day four of Farallonathon was enveloped in heavy, soupy fog with periods of rain. Needless to say, it was a challenge to find any Farallonathon points today. Our first and only migrant bird point of the day was a Northern


Farallonathon Day 3

The Score: Yesterday’s total: 102  Migrant Birds: 10 Dragonfly: 1  Shark Attacks: 1 (5 points) Total Points: 118 Points The third day of Farallonathon was marked by a surprise Nano-Wave. We had a whopping ten new migrant bird species including a Magnolia Warbler, that arrived late in the afternoon.  The Nano-Wave also produced the first


Farallonathon: Day 2

The Score: Yesterday’s total:  85Migrant Birds:  5Breeding Birds:  2Shark Attacks:  2 (10 points) Total Points: 102 Points The second day of Farallonathon coincided with a major boat day. Jim Tietz, the Fall Season Biologist went on a two week break, while Seabird Season Biologist Pete Warzybok joined the SEFI crew. Kristie Nelson also departed the