
Happy New Year, let’s talk about E-Seals! By Seth Bartusek

Hello everyone and Happy 2022! It’s already been an exciting Northern Elephant Seal breeding season on SEFI, and I’m excited to update you all on the Colony. But first let’s back up and go over some background context: Elephant Seals have been recolonizing SEFI since the 1960s, and we now have a modestly sized breeding


Fantastic Find on the Farallones

The crews on the Southeast Farallon Island are used to finding random objects throughout the island since gulls bring many back from the coast, but they weren’t prepared for what they found on February 6th.


Le Chonk

This is what happens when a pup gets to nurse off two moms. We like our pups round and chunky here… Here is the same animal after weaning, on the left, compared to a “normal” weaned pup. How many chins can you see?


Pup Weaning is in Full Swing!

Pup weaning is in full swing here on the Farallon Islands! These curious weaned pups have much to learn and even more fat rolls. Here is the envious daily schedule of our resident weaners: Wake up; Stretch, Scratch, Scream, Sleep, Repeat!


Happy Holidays – Team Eseal 8

GARRETT DUNCAN: WINTER FARALLON PROGRAM BIOLOGIST Garrett Duncan graduated from Humboldt State University with a degree in Geology but has since applied himself to ecology and conservation. He participated in several avian research projects including a Cloud Forest Ecology Project in Colombia and a Grassland Songbird Productivity study in Montana. In 2016, he was a


Changing of Seasons…

    Winter on the Farallones is coming to an end; the winter team are collecting the last of their data, packing bags, saying goodbye, and looking forward to hot showers at home. Having been on the island from mid-December, they have been closely monitoring the ups and downs of the Elephant Seal colonies throughout