Spring weather on the Farallones is deceptive. While the mainland begins to wake up from the dormant stage of winter, the temperature on the islands becomes cooler. The trademark northwesterly winds of spring that creates rich upwelling zones within the California Current rips through the lonesome rock, sometimes reaching gusts up to 40 knots. After
Farallones Tags: Migration
New Wintering Songbirds On SEFI

SEFI has a suite of typical wintering songbirds, but this year we had a few extra sparrows that have never been documented in the winter!
SEFI’s Giant Gray Visitors

Each winter the waters surrounding the Farallon Islands teem with charcoal-colored, behemoth-sized visitors arriving from the north… the Gray Whale!
Introducing the Farallon Yellowstart

Fall migration is in full swing on the Southeast Farallon Islands, and the resident researchers recently had a great taste of just how birdy the islands can be when the weather conditions are ideal.
A Migration North

The month of July often brings reflection on the events that have unfolded throughout the seabird season. Here on the Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, we’ve documented the earliest eggs on record, witnessed extremely high occupancy and chick success, an now wait with anticipation as some fully-feathered chicks begin to exercise their new flight feathers
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