
Monthly Banding Summary, February 2015

This summary was compiled by Palomarin banding interns Emma Cox and Hilary Allen with help from Mark Dettling, Banding Supervisor. Exciting Captures and Observations: February was a gloriously sunny yet drearily slow month with regards to our capture rates here at the Palomarin Field Station (Palo). We had our first (and hopefully last) days with


Monthly Banding Summary, January 2015

This summary was compiled by Palomarin banding intern Adelle Anderson with help from Mark Dettling, Banding Supervisor. Exciting Captures and Observations: This month many exciting species and individuals were captured at Palomarin and our other West Marin banding sites.  The first exciting capture came on January 10th when an Acorn Woodpecker was captured for the tenth


Amazing Wrentit Capture

This post was written by banding intern (and former nest searching intern) Hilary Allen with help from Mark Dettling, Banding Supervisor. An Old Friend The Palomarin Field Station had a celebrity visitor last month…a female Wrentit who will turn 13 this spring, making her the oldest known Wrentit! The oldest Wrentit recorded on the Bird