June brought excitement to the nets! We caught some vagrant birds and lots of recently fledged young. Read on to find out more!
Point Blue Conservation Science: Monthly Banding Summary, June 2019

June brought excitement to the nets! We caught some vagrant birds and lots of recently fledged young. Read on to find out more!
August marked the annual shift from the breeding season to fall migration at Palomarin – bringing new interns, and new birds!
We are trying to catch up after a busy summer. Read more about what happened in June and July!
A Black Phoebe tops the list for most exciting capture in December. Even though it’s a common bird throughout Marin County, we capture them infrequently. Check out what else we caught!
This summary was compiled by Palomarin banding interns Emma Cox and Adriana Caicedo with help from Mark Dettling, Banding Supervisor, and Diana Humple, Palomarin Program Leader. Exciting Captures and Observations: December alternated big storm days with big bird days. In fact, we had the highest rainfall ever recorded in 40 years (we started collecting rainfall
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