Read about the winter field season at the longest running bird banding station west of the Mississippi River.
Winter 2023-24 Banding Summary (November through February)

Read about the winter field season at the longest running bird banding station west of the Mississippi River.
May to July marked the busiest time of the season for the spring-summer banders at Palo, and as the summer went on, a shift in captures to mostly young (hatch-year) birds. Read more about the summer happenings at the Palomarin Field Station here.
This is a story of an artist inspired by science. Or… it’s a story of a scientist inspired by art. Hmmm, actually, it’s both! This is a story of how beautifully art and science can merge to support a person’s path through life and inspire others along the way.
Check out the goings-on at Palomarin during March and April 2023.
We’re welcoming visitors once again! Find out how to reserve an appointment online.
More evidence of the start of the breeding season this month! Spring is just around the corner! Read on to see our highlights from the month of February.
November marks the beginning of winter banding at Palomarin. This year it also marked our return to banding at Pine Gulch, one of our off-site banding stations located in the Bolinas Lagoon Open Space Preserve. Read on to learn about some of our fun captures this month!
August marks the end of the spring/summer season and the beginning of fall at Palomarin. It brings with it new interns, as well as some new exciting captures for the year! Read on to learn more.
The breeding season continues! May brought more juvenile bird captures, as well as a few unusual captures! Read on to learn more.
October at the Palomarin Field Station brings a gradual transition from fall migrants just passing through, to winter residents moving in. As the number of fall migrants caught in our nets dwindles, we say hello again to the familiar winter faces of Fox Sparrows, Hermit Thrushes, and Ruby-crowned Kinglets, among others.
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