More evidence of the start of the breeding season this month! Spring is just around the corner! Read on to see our highlights from the month of February.
Point Blue Conservation Science: Monthly Banding Summary, February 2020

More evidence of the start of the breeding season this month! Spring is just around the corner! Read on to see our highlights from the month of February.
September is always a great month at Palomarin, with lots of diversity in the species that we catch, as migratory species are on the move!
September is always an exciting time at Palomarin, as summer residents depart for wintering grounds, northern-breeding landbirds arrive for the winter, and other migrants continue to pass through.
May brings us young birds and birds with backpacks! Read on to find out more!
October brought rarities from Siberia and Mexico, plus many more of our usual migrants returned for winter, some wearing tiny data logging backpacks!
This summary was compiled by Palomarin banding interns Navit Reid and Elena Daggett with assistance from Palomarin Banding Supervisor Renée Cormier, and Conservation Educator Lishka Arata. Exciting Captures and Observations: Exciting Captures. While fall migration has wound down, we still had quite a few exciting captures this month. Among them were 10 Sharp-Shinned Hawks, 8 Red-Breasted
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