December brought a bit of rain, fewer bird captures, and slower days as we settled into winter at the field station. However, there were still some exciting encounters! Read on to learn more.
Palomarin Tags: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Palomarin Monthly Banding Summary: November 2020
November was full of birds, including several different hawks! Read on to learn more about some of the fun species we caught in November.
Point Blue Conservation Science: Monthly Banding Summary, January 2020
A new year has come! Read on to see a recap of our bird captures in 2019 and to learn about what birds we have caught so far in 2020.
Point Blue Conservation Science: Monthly Banding Summary, October 2019
October was a month for woodpeckers and raptors! We had several exciting and unusual captures this month. Read on to find out more!
Point Blue Conservation Science: Monthly Banding Summary, September 2019
Fall migration continues…September at Palomarin was busy with birds passing through on their journey south, the departure of some of our breeding birds, and the arrival of some of our wintering birds. Read on to see some of our exciting captures this month!
Point Blue Conservation Science: Monthly Banding Summary, December 2018
December was filled with mixed species flocks that foraged throughout the study area and graced our nets. Read on to learn about some fun winter captures.
Point Blue Conservation Science: Monthly Banding Summary, December 2017
The final weeks of 2017 brought busy days and thrilling captures for the winter banding interns at the Palomarin Field Station, including the latest capture of a Swainson’s Thrush in our 51 years of banding!
Point Blue Conservation Science: Monthly Banding Summary, December 2016
The winter banders encounter a special Ruby-crowned Kinglet and enjoy the beauty of a Varied Thrush. Read on for more exciting captures!
Monthly Banding Summary, October 2015
October brought rarities from Siberia and Mexico, plus many more of our usual migrants returned for winter, some wearing tiny data logging backpacks!
Monthly Banding Summary, September 2015
September is full of change: migrant breeders departed for their southerly wintering grounds, others stopped here to refuel along their migratory journey, while other species that over-winter in Marin but breed to the north returned.
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