Congratulations to our 2018 Award Winners!
June 15, 2018

Outstanding Conservation Partner, 50 Year Anniversary Award:
Anne Morkill, Gerry McChesney, and Jonathan Shore
Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Working in close partnership with the USFWS, Point Blue is celebrating 50 years of continuous presence on the Farallon Islands this year. To honor this achievement, colleagues Anne Morkill, Gerry McChesney, and Jonathan Shore of the Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge have been named recipients of the Point Blue 2018 Outstanding Conservation Partner award.

Outstanding Foundation Partner:
Ivan Samuels, March Conservation Fund
Point Blue Conservation Science is proud to present Ivan Samuels of March Conservation Fund with the 2018 Outstanding Foundation Partner award. The vision of March Conservation Fund facilitated Point Blue’s establishment as an early player in the use of miniaturized tag technology to track small birds. Ongoing support has helped establish Point Blue as a leader in migratory ecology coupled with long term data collection.
Outstanding Land Steward:
Joe Silveira, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
The 2018 Outstanding Land Steward award has been given to Joe Silveira of USFWS. Joe is a collaborative partner who has a deep understanding of the historic and current ecology of the Central Valley. For over 20 years, Joe has been a major force helping to restore the Sacramento River system and continues to push land management in innovative, climate-smart directions in partnership with Point Blue.
Watch a short video of our MC, keynote speaker, and awardees: