
Farallon Islands Restoration–How You Can Help

Note: While this post was originally published in July 2020, it was updated on June 21, 2021 to reflect the latest project developments. The post was additionally updated in December 2021. Updates have been added in italics.  We are at a critical moment in safeguarding the future of the Farallon Islands ecosystem and the


47 Blue Whales! And more Science News

Navigating Change Since our last Science News e-mail Point Blue has continued to navigate a world changed by COVID-19. What does it mean for our staff and our work and how do we modify and move forward? We continue to have “family units” of biologists living and working together in the field on the Farallon


Our Journey

by a portion of Point Blue Staff “Do the best you can, until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou Today, as we have seen more and more voices continuing to powerfully rise up and call for racial justice, our staff want to join their voices as one in


We All Belong

By Manuel Oliva, CEO These past weeks we have been witnesses to stark reminders of inequality and injustice in the United States.  As an organization founded by bird conservationists over 55 years ago, to many in our community the racist incident in the Central Park Ramble in New York City, in which a white woman


Zoom into the Field with Point Blue

We at Point Blue would like to offer a small gift to our community as we continue to keep our physical distance and stay home as much as possible. If you are reading this, you are most likely a nature lover and missing the ocean, rivers, forest, and maybe even coming out to visit us


6 Ways to Help the Earth While You’re at Home

from Point Blue to You Our hearts and thoughts go out to those that are fighting sickness, struggling to find housing and work, and managing differing levels of anxiety and depression as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are sending gratitude as well to all of the frontline and essential workers: nurses, doctors, first


Our Role in a New Plan for Bay Area Wetlands

The Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program Plan is out and online! Learn more about the plan at The Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program is a collaborative, regional effort to understand how we can restore wetlands in the San Francisco Estuary with a focus on adapting to sea level rise. The Plan is the result of 2


A New Planting Palette for Sierra Meadows

Point Blue Conservation Science is excited to share a new climate-smart resource for Sierra meadow restoration: the Sierra Meadow Planting Palette Tool and Tool User Guide . The purpose of this tool is to help restoration practitioners plan for climate change by identifying plant species that have traits that will increase the likelihood that they


Point Blue’s Coronavirus Response

By Manuel Oliva, CEO To all in our Point Blue community, In these uncertain times we wanted to send you an update on how Point Blue is responding to the latest developments of the coronavirus pandemic (aka COVID-19) and send our support as we all navigate our way through this unprecedented event. The health and