The Roots Program has approved funding to 100 projects in 36 counties across California. These projects will implement over 290 restoration practices to benefit wildlife and pollinators.
Science Categories: STRAW
Putting the Meadows to Bed Under a Blanket of Snow
Restoring Sierra Meadows, our exquisite high elevation wetlands, can be challenging due to the short window we have with them each year.
Scaling Up Mountain Meadow Restoration
One year ago, we announced that California’s Wildlife Conservation Board had awarded Point Blue a $24.7 million block grant to support and scale up the work of the Sierra Meadows Partnership (SMP). The SMP, which Point Blue chairs, is an established coalition of organizations working to restore and protect Sierra meadows. Over the past twelve
Groundbreaking Awards Will Accelerate Restoration Across California
We are thrilled to share the news that the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) has awarded Point Blue two major restoration-oriented block grants. In total, the two grants represent $50 million over four years for science-based restoration with particular focus on community engagement, research, and equity building across California.
Science News: Birds in the Valley, Restoration in the City
Teaming up for Drought Response As Californians work to address the increasing threat of severe drought as part of climate change, Point Blue is playing a critical role in making sure that waterbirds have a voice at the table. Over the last three months, and continuing into this winter, Point Blue, in partnership with The
Carving Out Support for Conservation
By Lishka Arata, Senior Communications Coordinator When Melinda Whipplesmith Plank reached out to Point Blue last spring to ask if we were interested in an artist collaboration that would support our conservation work, our immediate answer was an enthusiastic, “Yes!” Millie, as she prefers to be called, is a woodblock print artist based out of
Science News: Penguins, Drones, Citizen Science, and More!
New Penguin Science We’re putting cutting-edge technology to work for conservation. In Antarctica we’ve recently been using drones, environmental sensing devices, tiny video cameras, and satellite imagery to increase the pace and scale of our conservation science. Our ultimate goal is to get a better idea of how wildlife (namely, penguins) in one of the
Hope, Science, and Passion: 2017 and 2018 highlights
What do 3,180 students, 102,181 acres of agricultural land, and over one billion scientific observation have in common? Read on to find out!
Celebrating 500

Students and Teachers Have Restored Over 32 Miles of Bay Area Habitat
Schoolchildren Plant Pajaro Wildlife Corridor
Plantings are providing a way for wildlife to move between four mountain ranges.
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