We can all do something to protect dunes and their sensitive species. Learn more about the ecosystem, species, and actions to take, big and small.
Science Tags: endangered species
Rails, Camera, Action!
Last year, we began a new pilot study to investigate how extreme high tides are really affecting these secretive marsh birds. We’re putting cameras out during the winter high tides to spy on the rails without disturbing them.
Carving Out Support for Conservation
By Lishka Arata, Senior Communications Coordinator When Melinda Whipplesmith Plank reached out to Point Blue last spring to ask if we were interested in an artist collaboration that would support our conservation work, our immediate answer was an enthusiastic, “Yes!” Millie, as she prefers to be called, is a woodblock print artist based out of
Human Connections Drive Habitat Conservation

A “cross-cultural” ranch tour breaks down barriers and moves people towards solutions
What’s Lab Got to do With It?
An expanded view of science and scientists from a marine lab intern.
Marin County Spotted Owls
Science, Good Management, and Good Neighbors = Healthy Owl Population
Re-imagining Ridgway’s Rails
The complexity and creativity of recovering a species in the San Francisco Bay
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