
Point Blue Lands in Cali, Colombia for COP16

We’re here for many reasons, representing different Point Blue programs and priorities, and taking on different roles. But all of us are here because of Point Blue’s deep commitment to safeguarding our planet’s diverse plants and wildlife.


Lynne Stenzel: the Woman, the Myth, the Legend

This year marks a big milestone in Point Blue’s people history. Lynne Stenzel retired at the end of March after 50 years of being on staff with the organization. She’s the last to retire of the folks who were with the organization starting in the 1970s and has such a wealth of knowledge about the organization’s history: its science, its culture, its characters.


Science News: Guiding Renewable Energy, Celebrating Climate Legislation, and much more

Biden Signs Landmark Climate Bill On August 16th, 2022 President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. Although it’s not perfect, it is the biggest, most important piece of federal climate legislation to date. It encompasses clear and actionable policy to drive the needed investment to decarbonize our economy emissions. Importantly, the bill clearly prioritizes


Building Capacity and Mobilizing the Migratory Shorebird Project in Guatemala

The Migratory Shorebird Project (MSP) is a multinational collaboration initiated in 2011 by Point Blue. With our international partners in this effort we conserve wetlands through science, partnership, and outreach along the Pacific Flyway, a bird migration highway that stretches along the West coast of the Americas from Alaska to Chile. We are excited to