Flooding amidst persistent drought is indicative of the future of the arid West under climate change. Add in agriculture, growing populations, wildlife, and safe drinking water (particularly for historically disadvantaged communities), and it’s apparent there is a mosaic of complex needs to consider. One thing is clear: how we manage water in the West over the next hundred years must look different than how we’ve managed it for the last hundred.
Science Tags: Water
Science News: Birds in the Valley, Restoration in the City
Teaming up for Drought Response As Californians work to address the increasing threat of severe drought as part of climate change, Point Blue is playing a critical role in making sure that waterbirds have a voice at the table. Over the last three months, and continuing into this winter, Point Blue, in partnership with The
Hope, Science, and Passion: 2017 and 2018 highlights
What do 3,180 students, 102,181 acres of agricultural land, and over one billion scientific observation have in common? Read on to find out!
Learning About a Vital Ecosystem – From Below the Ground Up

Point Blue scientists get their hands in the dirt to take the pulse of rangeland ecosystem health.
Through the Eyes of a Dowitcher
Gaining perspective on wetland management in California’s Central Valley
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