
Point Blue Expands Work in Fire Ecology

We’re pleased to announce Point Blue’s first ever Fire Stewardship Ecologist position which has been filled (and co-created to a large extent) by former Sonoma-Marin Partner Biologist Taj Hittenberger. This is an exciting step for both Taj and Point Blue in the direction of further incorporating fire into our conservation efforts.


Science News: Birds in the Valley, Restoration in the City

Teaming up for Drought Response As Californians work to address the increasing threat of severe drought as part of climate change, Point Blue is playing a critical role in making sure that waterbirds have a voice at the table. Over the last three months, and continuing into this winter, Point Blue, in partnership with The


Re-Balancing Act Making a Ranch Ecosystem More Resilient

Heather Bernikoff has been a changemaker in her community through the many roles she’s held—a volunteer leader on non-profit boards, a health educator, and an advocate for direct service programs, to name a few. Now on her ranch in the rolling foothills of the Central Sierra Nevada, she is effecting change on the land by


Sierra Meadows Partnership Poised to Meet 2030 Goal

Sierra meadows are a critically important component of the Sierra Nevada landscape. They provide multiple benefits. They contribute to carbon sequestration, groundwater recharge, flood attenuation, water quality improvements,  and stream flow, improving the quality of life for downstream ecosystems and human communities. Meadows are also biodiversity hotspots that provide important habitat for birds, fish, amphibians,


Science News: More drones for science? Yes!

Science Drones from Antarctica to CA Drones are fast becoming an important conservation tool. At Point Blue, we began using them to survey a colony of half a million penguins in Antarctica that we’ve been monitoring on foot since the early 1970s. That study is still active and proving to be successful in bringing a


Carving Out Support for Conservation

By Lishka Arata, Senior Communications Coordinator When Melinda Whipplesmith Plank reached out to Point Blue last spring to ask if we were interested in an artist collaboration that would support our conservation work, our immediate answer was an enthusiastic, “Yes!”  Millie, as she prefers to be called, is a woodblock print artist based out of


Science News: Guatemala, Spain, A Record Capture, and more

Building Capacity in Guatemala We are excited to welcome Guatemala as the 13th and most recent country to join the Migratory Shorebird Project! Initiated in 2011, the Migratory Shorebird Project is the largest ongoing coordinated survey of wintering shorebirds on the Pacific Coast of the Americas, and is a cooperative effort of conservation science organizations and


A Climate-Smart Framework for Land Trusts

Point Blue Conservation Science is excited to share a new climate-smart guide for land trusts: Integrating Climate Adaptation into Land Conservation: A Climate-Smart Framework for Land Trusts. The purpose of this handbook is to provide land trusts and other land conservation practitioners with a guide to integrating climate change projections and climate adaptation approaches into


Working with Ranchers to Heal the Land

Great things are happening in the remote northeastern corner of California. Water tables are rising. Read on to learn more about a recent trip to Lassen County where we visited with ranchers who are leading the way in mixing conservation and traditional ranching practices to improve the health of the land.