The Rangeland Carbon Monitoring Program (hereafter called The Range-C Program) aims to help practitioners conduct transparent fit-for-purpose monitoring of aboveground and belowground carbon in response to rangeland management. It provides guidance on the selection of monitoring designs, sampling protocols, and laboratory methodologies to evaluate the influence of management practices on carbon. In addition, it provides technological support to help land stewards interpret and communicate their findings. At the same time that it supports efforts at the ranch scale, The Range-C Program is designed to evaluate management effects on carbon at regional scales using the aggregated network-wide dataset.
This handbook starts by introducing important concepts as they relate to The Range-C Program, beginning with background information, guidance on indicator selection, sampling frequency, point selection, and sampling density. It then moves on to provide practice-specific guidance before introducing detailed methodology for all of the carbon indicators. We recommend following the handbook from start to finish, but users should also feel free to navigate through the sections in whatever way is most useful.
What’s in the handbook?
Why Rangelands?
Why Monitor Carbon?
About The Range-C Program
Monitoring Objectives
A Tiered Scoring Approach
Selecting Carbon Indicators
Ensuring Data Quality
Identifying the Study Area
Selecting Sampling Points
Determine the Number of Samples
Combining Samples
Practice-Specific Considerations
Indicator Methodology
Record Monitoring and Management Information
Data Management and Interpretation
Example Roadmap for Using the Range-C
Tools in the appendices and References
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